Dental Implants – Still Going Strong!

Despite difficult financial times, teeth implants are still popular

Two dental implantsYou don’t have to be particularly interested in politics to be aware that we are in a difficult situation financially. Even if you don’t understand the intricacies of financial markets etc, most of you will have noticed price increases, not only in energy, but in the supermarkets too.

Inevitably, at times like this, we all look at ways that we can reduce our expenditure. Some of this will have an impact on people who might otherwise opt for cosmetic dental treatments to help them have a more attractive smile. It is quite likely that expenditure on this may be cut back for a little while. One treatment that still seems to be going strong though is dental implants.

This might seem surprising given that it is one of the more costly treatments that we provide at our Ipswich dental practice, but it does actually make sense. Whilst some cosmetic treatments, such as teeth whitening, are just that – ‘cosmetic’, dental implants can not only improve your appearance  but also provide a highly functional replacement tooth.

Why not dentures?

You might ask why people wouldn’t choose dentures as a tooth replacement option, given the fact that they are cheaper and often don’t require any invasive treatment. Although this is true, anyone who has previously had dentures and replaced them with dental implants will know the huge difference this can make to their lives. Once placed and fully integrated with the bone (approximately three months), you can forget that you don’t have a natural tooth and just eat normally. Denture wearers on the other hand may choose what they eat more carefully and may also have to endure their dentures moving around, sometimes causing their gums to become sore.

There is good reason too, not to have dentures as a ‘stop gap’ solution with the intention of replacing them with implants when times are financially better. Although this could make sense, the reality is that when you lose a tooth, the bone that previously held the tooth in place will gradually start to be reabsorbed by the body to use its minerals etc in another area. This can not only change the shape of your face but bone loss can sometimes make it more difficult to place an implant securely. This means that by the time you decide to switch to a dental implant, you may also require a prior bone graft before the treatment can go ahead, adding to the overall cost.

Cost effectiveness

Although it may feel like a tough decision to spend more money when you lose a tooth, the reality is that, as long as you look after your new implant correctly, it should last you for a very long time indeed. The initial cost, spread out over the twenty plus years you can get from it, suddenly seems more cost effective and practical. It is worth remembering too, that to look after a dental implant requires no more effort than looking after a natural tooth. Dentures on the other hand may need replacing and it is not uncommon for patients to break them when externally cleaning them. Ongoing denture maintenance costs will almost certainly be higher than implant costs and it pays to look at your options over a longer period of time.

Our treatment plans can help

Naturally, the team at the Foxhall Dental Practice want their patients to receive the best treatment possible and we are firm believers that implants offer the best solution for replacing missing teeth. To help our patients with the cost, we offer a range of payment plans which will help you to spread the cost of your payment over a number of months. We are sure that we have a plan that is suitable for you so please ask us about these when weighing up your treatment options.

We appreciate that some of you might be delaying having non essential dental treatments right now, but before you take a final decision, please do talk to us about our payment plans and other potential treatment options. With regards to dental implants; as mentioned earlier, delays in replacing missing teeth can have longer term implications and it is best to have an implant placed as soon after tooth loss as possible. This is one area where we really don’t feel patients would be wise to put their treatment off. We are here to help you and our friendly team are happy to discuss any aspect of the treatments available at our Ipswich dental clinic  with you, including cost and alternative options.

If you would like to discuss teeth implants, or indeed any other treatment with us, we are sure that you will find our team to be helpful. Why not contact us today for a chat by calling the Foxhall Dental Practice on 01473 258396.